Sunday, November 4, 2012

New York trip - 2012

 Before too much time passes.... I'll throw in the photos of our recent trip to NYC.

I had the chance to grab a few nights visiting my friend, Cindy, who lives on Long Island. I only took the older two girls.

Each photo has a caption on it, so most don't need explanation.

Overwhelmed? I was... I had 150 plus photos... whittled down to 100 plus for Facebook... whittled down to 36 here.

With hurricane Sandy looming the ocean, I could see the writing on the wall... if we didn't get out, we'd be stuck for a while. I was able to change out flight out from Monday to Sunday morning.

Very bumpy, flight (especially over North Carolina) and it was delayed by two hours, but we were on the jet!!! (which is ALL that mattered to me at the time)

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