Monday, February 4, 2013

Thrift store scavenger hunt.... My YHL challenge

Welcome... any traffic coming over from YHL.
Great to 'meet' you... we are already friends through our love for the Petersiks, right?

I have two blogs... 
Davis - party of 6 (personal/family/projects)
my oldest two children and I are on a very busy clogging team. (our dance team) 

Feel free to wander about either one, really.... mi casa es su casa.   

Now.... onward - to the thrift store challenge

Anyone that knows me, KNOWS that I L-O-V-E the website/blog

Their book.... Was my Christmas present!

(here is a link to John and Sherry.... Love them)

And I was lucky enough to live in a spot where they had a book-signing stop, so I got to meet them!
Me and my awesome friend, Lani.

They were like.... Stalker, it's time for you to leave, now.

So exciting... they were on my own personal bucket list

So, when I read their THRIFT STORE challenge, 
I was totally game.
Do you know the song.... THRIFT SHOP by Macklemore?
(my kids certainly did :(, they had it already on iPads.)

Basically, the song rattles off a list of thrift store finds.
YHL Challenge is to tackle a thrift store with $20.

Step 1... Take a pic of your cash and the store.
Here's mine...

Step 2... Chronicle your finds
(I had to go to the school uniform store, too, so I killed 2 birds with 1 stone)

Luckily, everything fit!
But check out the total bill... $6.97 (cha... ching)

Step 3... Find items in the store that are mentioned in the song.
(if you can believe that I had to Google the lyrics to understand it)

I was able to find....
'A keyboard!!'

OK, not really a keyboard.... It was an organ, 
but really... Who's being picky?

'A big-a$$-coat.'

Yes that is me.... In that nasty leather trench coat inside a SA store.
I was all NYPD blue.... CSI - Fort Lauderdale-style

(the lady in the background was the sister of the girl I asked to take a photo... 
She probably thought I was C-R-A-Z-Y!

So... Not bad for an hour on my day off this week
I searched for green shoes or velcro shoes but I had to hurry... another time !
Thanks for checking in... Until next time.

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