Saturday, January 26, 2013

Paige's BIG haircut... Donating to Locks of Love

Paige has been asking to cut her hair for a while now.

I agreed to cut it, if we could cut off enough to donate it to Locks of Love.
As you can see, she had plenty of length.

Her hair is just so long that I worry that she will not grow it this length again.

She has begged to the point that she tries to pull me into random hair salons.
Well... Today, I finally caved in.

Gotta love any 'before' shots, right?

Off to the shampoo area she went. Poor thing, needed a booster and TWO pillows to get her high enough.
That's my FAV stylist... Shelda (Transfiguration in Davie)

Locks of Love requires donated hair to be 10 inches and clean.
So, She was all bubbly for a bit....

And my little princess was enjoying the head-rub.... Best part of getting your haircut, right?

Washed and measured!

The OMG moment... Caught on tape.

I was still in shock... But it was looking good, don't ya think?
Making it straight.

It's 4 year old hair... Purity.

She was SO good... Probably too afraid to move. Lol

Blowing it out

Saying good-bye... Must be a freeing moment.

Final product...

Personally, I love it.

I just think this kid is the cutest.... I know, I'm biased.
When we actually send off the pony-tail, I'll update.
Hope everyone is great!!

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