Wednesday, January 2, 2013

There's a BIG raccoon out there.

So, yesterday... I'm alone inside the house because Bryan and the kids were busy getting a fire going out front.
And out of the corner of my eye is see something small and furry walk into the dining room... Through the open patio doors.
At first I thought is was our neighbor's cat... A tabby that roams our streets.
This isn't Max... But this is what his coloring looks like.

Then, I realized it wasn't orange I saw.... It was gray!

It took me a second to remember that Meredith had complained that she chased a raccoon out of the house the night before.
While I believed she saw one.... NEVER would I think one would walk INTO a house... OUR house no less.
But... There he was... Under my dining room table.

I seem to remember he looked like this....
But my memory is all a blur.... Lol

Anyway... I screamed... Chased it out.
Then, I kept screaming!! (I was wigging out)
Bryan comes rushing inside... All protective.
And started doing a NYPD-Blue-type search of the patio... With a broom!

Turns out that raccoon has been bravely approaching a few houses on our street.
Calls to wildlife control were useless... $230 trap it ($70 to haul it away)
One of Bryan's friends has a trap.. We borrowed it.
We set the bait... Tuna fish.
And caught this guy is 30 minutes...

Bryan and our neighbor, Richard, took it out West.
It was safely released.. Into a park.
Trap is set again... I'm sure there are more.

(So... I guess I owe my husband $300?)

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