Or so I thought - but alas, it is so.
Looking back over the past two weeks, I'm surprised I didn't see the signs. You'd think I'd have the symptoms down by now.
Ever since we've been home from our 10 day vacation to St. Augustine, I have been disappointed that not one pair of pants - jeans or otherwise, can button at the waist.
I just couldn't believe that I stop going to the gym, for a month and eat a few cheeseburgers on vacation and my whole abdomen goes to pot. Well it did and I had made a mental note to self to get my a$$ back to the gym...
If only I didn't also feel run down and tired like I was getting ready to come down with the flu or something. I spent the past week waiting for myself to feel better and like I'd want to go walk on a treadmill.
Then, my boobs started to ache. Not a lot, just a little bit on the sides. I just associated it with the time for me to get my period and that I must be getting it any day now.
Then, my period never came.
First it is a day late... I didn't think anything of it. Then two days and three days... still didn't think anything of it.
Finally after 5 days, I was complaining to a close friend that I must be going through early menopause and she suggested I take a pregnancy test.
A what? I thought to myself. What a ridiculous idea - that I could be pregnant.
Didn't she understand that after 3 kids - I should know what being pregnant feels like?
Didn't she understand that my hubby and I have spent the past two years carefully counting the days of my cycle and that the last time we were together was on day #8?
Wasn't she aware that for my third pregnancy, I had gotten to know my cycle so well that I could tell you weeks in advance when I would be ovulating and that is ALWAYS happened on day 12-13 ?
It was just not possible that I conceived.
Besides that, I just made an appointment to see the ob/gyn to arrange a tubal ligation, in the upcoming months.
Finally, after 3 children, I was feeling like I was D-O-N-E with having babies. I have always been open to having one more, but had to face the fact that, in reality, we couldn't afford another one.
So, after getting off the phone, I drove over to the pharmacy and purchased a pregnancy test kit. Unlike previous times where I picked the most expensive one because I didn't want a cheap test to miss anything, I didn't care if the test was cheap. I wasn't wasting $$$ for a test to tell me that I'm not pregnant.
Getting home, I made a bee line into the bathroom, little Wade (23 months) in tow, following me every step. I sit down, trying to ignore his own pleas to use the toilet (which he doesn't do, he just likes to stand there pretending he is urinating); but I didn't have time for that now.
I quickly hold the stick in the middle of the stream, counting 1,2,3,... up to 8. The tests want you to leave it there for 5 seconds, but I wanted to get every last drop on the stick.
The thing turned positive in my hand!!!!!!!!!
I didn't get it right away. I wasn't sure if the thing needed one blue line or two blue lines to read a positive test - all the while praying that it needed two lines
So, leaving it on the counter, I quickly read the directions - only to see that it was only a single line.
Then, it started to register. My eyes switched back and forth between the stick and the directions, comparing the two. No matter how much I stared at it, it wasn't changing... it was positive.
After a good cry, which was consoled by my son, on the bathroom floor, I had to compose myself and come up with a good way of telling my husband that a fourth child is on the way.
This wasn't going to be easy or pretty.
You are crazy!!!!!Yes it is me on-line and I have to say this will be the only free time you have. When #4 arrives, say good bye to your time. We are happy for you and who would have believed all of this eight years ago?? Good luck and remember us when your kids are eating their meals.......
God Bless You and Brian.I love coming home and reading your blog.I feel since we don't see all of you guys to much, shame on us, I feel I know what is going on.How you find the time amazes me.
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