Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's a GIRL!!!!!

We went to the doctor's office this week. Brought the entire family - kids were off of school and I thought it would be neat for the girls to see the new baby on a sonogram machine.

Our appt was at 9:45am - we were seen @12pm. (we ate an entire bag of goldfish and many cookies during our wait).

Finally, I was on the table and ready to go.

I reminded Dr. Martin about his telling us it looked like a boy last month and that the other doctor's office I go to had told me that they couldn't see anything.

He did a quick look and announced 'Boy'.

Bryana told him to show us on the monitor.

So, when Dr. Martin took another look - to show us our new son...

He saw - A GIRL!!!

Even though we were surprised - thinking all month it was a boy - deep down I knew it had to be a girl.

I conceived just too early in my cycle - the odds of boy were very low.

This pregancy continues to shock us - first that we are pregnant at all and next, that it is a girl.

She is perfect and looks like a small doll inside there.

Now, to think of girl names....

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