I know that I haven't been on here much and more than one person has asked me to update - so here it is.
Everything, so far, has been perfect.
Each visit to the doctor, we do a sonogram (why? just because my doctor loves us and is willing to do it).
Last visit, he showed us a small bulge, between the legs, and announced that "That is a pee-pee".
He added that it is still to small to tell for sure but that if it was a girl, there wouldn't be anything there to see. He said to wait and next month we'll know for sure.
So, in the meantime, I go to the perinatalogist's office for my first visit.
They need to do a sonogram and draw blood - all part of a new test for Down's Syndrome.
I ask the tech to check to make sure that is it a 'him' and not a 'her'.
She searches and searches - can't confirm anything - states that the baby is too small.
I tell her that the other doctor thought he saw a 'buldge' and did she not see the same thing?
She looks again and says, 'Well, it COULD be a boy'.
What is that? Back to square one.
Otherwise, I feel this baby - about 5 times a day. Sounds early but I've been feeling it for about a week now.